As-Built Documentation
Esparlous Design AB also offering BIM implementation services to assist clients in integrating and improving their BIM practices. The implementation process starts with a study and analysis of the client’s existing design and execution process along with an understanding of their long-term BIM objectives. Training sessions are conducted to equip the teams in various aspects of BIM. We focus on organization-centric implementation rather than individual-centric training which along with our industry-best practices go a long way in ensuring that maximum value is achieved from the cost of BIM implementation.
Live Project BIM Assistance
Esparlous Design AB has been successfully bringing change in architectural firm through BIM implementation. Our support services extend beyond training and implementation to assist client teams in executing live projects on BIM platform by ensuring organizational productivity. We offer a practical overview on managing projects on BIM through faster working, efficient management and streamlining the multiple processes that together deliver an effective BIM construction project.